The basic elements of being human

This post is a sound-off concerning changes I've noticed taking place in my network of friends. Considering the need for social networking to sustain yourself, we live in an age of promiscuous friendship. I am still very traditional when it comes to casting a net to those in real life as opposed to those I refer to as soft alliances through my online marketplaces. 

Nonetheless, we are all still human, and if we are given the chance or opportunity to help others, we have nothing to lose by this. Our social capital is growing as opposed to getting used up. 

In a world built around the exchange of trifling benefits and confounding obligations, find those elements you refuse to let go when casting a wider and wider net.

1. Loyalty

We are what we are loyal to. To identify them is a process in which we need to sift and sort the core things we care about.
Too few loyalties breeds a shallow, thin and unsatisfying life. Too many loyalties motivate chaos and allow the mess to over-shadow the meaningful.

2. Character

"The world loves talent, but pays off in character"

3. Maturity

We may not get rid of all our hangups, but we should learn to control them to the point that you can function and not hurt others.

4. Commitment   You have to build meaning to your life and that happens through commitments. Lessons of success and failure are the stumbling blocks in which we, ourselves must transform into stepping stones.

5. Discernment  Understand the impact you have on others.

     6. Identity Nothing is safe nor free. Your identity is what you've committed to yourself and constant growth involves always doing better. The meaning comes from you and only you. The experience of humankind is perpetual but posterity isn't.

Creating Under the Confluence in OKC

Today is the 2nd annual Confluence Conference in Oklahoma City.

WTF is ConfluenceCon?

If the website doesn't give you a quick enough breakdown, see the most recent NewsOK article.
Best explained by the creator, David Christopher. He is the most interesting coffee date you will ever have in Oklahoma City.


Was it total bullshit? No.

I actually learned new things that helped my personal online content as well as professionally related.

  • Learned about janux from Adam Croom and took the massive online open course Chemistry of Beer because his 2013 #confluencecon appearance let me know what OU was offering (for free!) How else do you think I got that pretty beer badge to the right of this screen? 

    • If Royce Young doesn't break down twitter to you facebook banger types and having you turning new tricks, then you can GTFO of OKC....

    My 2014 Demand List

    1. No bitchassness or resting bitch faces allowed in or near building.
    2. I think number 1 can be fixed by those working the conference---to not only attain their attention to OPUBCO affiliated peeps. We are here to meet new people, not exclude them. 
    3. Oh yes, I would be VERY interested to know the diversity and gender statistics about today's attendee's. 
    4. I hope I meet people who are connected to science, science education or any sci-tech communication. Holla at me. I do science and love it.
    5. I also expect others to at least be somewhat football fans. I felt like a freak last year checking college scores. Help me and I will help you.
    6. I aim to find out if Social Jobworking can help me get a job. Tell me what I am doing wrong because I am social but that job search ain't working.

    May The Odds Be in Your Favor Today, OKC Digerati